Christopher Keim

Christopher Keim

Software Engineer and Published Neuroscience Researcher


  • University of Vermont
    Aug 2014 · May 2018
    Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience
    University of Vermont
  • University of Copenhagen
    Dec 2017
    Study Abroad - Psychopharmacology
    University of Copenhagen

Work Experience

  • Underdog Devs Logo
    Aug 2023 · Present
    Software Engineer Apprentice
    Underdog Devs
    • - Crypto Real Time Inference:  Full-stack deep learning application leveraging Python, FastAPI, Tensorflow, and TypeScript that serves and renders neural network predictions in real time
    • - Developed CI/CD pipelines supporting machine learning web service deployments across arm64 and x86_64 microprocessors using Golang, Docker, and GitHub Actions
    • - Rigorous daily 1:1 pair programming with 7 senior software engineer mentors
  • Relative Path Logo
    May 2023 · Present
    DevOps Engineer Apprentice
    Relative Path
    • -Implemented CI/CD pipelines for with idempotent Bash scripting, GitHub Actions, and GitHub Pages for static site deployments
    • - Teaching assistant for three 8-week cycles supporting intensive infrastructure instruction
  • Jan 2022 · Aug 2023
    Data Science, Machine Learning, Python Developer
    Self - Projects
  • Relative Path Logo
    Aug 2015 · May 2018
    Research Assistant
    Bouton Laboratory of Learning and Memory